Prize Money

Based on professional feedback, BudaFest competitions grew over the years to be the most difficult, thus among the most prestigious ones in Europe, some say even in the World. It is extremely hard to win any division due to its size and quality.
We are also very proud of the fact that regardless of their size, the competitions still run on time!

To further enhance the excitement and the experience of winning in BudaFest, there are prizes to win:

  1st place 2nd place 3rd place 4th 5th
Jack & Jill Sophisticated 300 € + Trophy 140 € + Trophy 70 € + Trophy Plaque Plaque
Jack & Jill Masters Trophy Trophy Trophy Plaque Plaque
Jack & Jill Newcomer Trophy Trophy Trophy Plaque Plaque
Jack & Jill Novice 100 € + Trophy 60 € + Trophy 30 € + Trophy Plaque Plaque
Jack & Jill Intermediate 200 € + Trophy 100 € + Trophy 50 € + Trophy Plaque Plaque
Jack & Jill Advanced 300 € + Trophy 140 € + Trophy 70 € + Trophy Plaque Plaque
Jack & Jill All-Star 500 € + Trophy 240 € + Trophy 120 € + Trophy Plaque Plaque
Jack & Jill Champions 1000 € + Trophy 500 € + Trophy 250 € + Trophy Plaque Plaque
Strictly Swing – Novice / Intermediate 300 € + Trophy 140 € + Trophy 70 € + Trophy Plaque Plaque
Strictly Swing – Open 1000 € + Trophy 500 € + Trophy 250 € + Trophy Plaque Plaque